I am dedicated to making my life better with organisation, healthy eating and gorgeous craft projects so I have more time to spend loving my family.
A wonderful resource with expert written content for partners looking for answers to common relationship problems including couple issues, marriage, family, children, pre-marriage and more.With over 20 offices across NSW we can also help you and your partner overcome the challenges in your relationship.http://www.CoupleCounselling.com.auTel: 8002 1020
I write about food, films, family and funny times growing up as an Australian-Italian child in 1960s Sydney. My tastes are catholic and my musings include recipes for unusual Italian cuisine, nostalgia about my north-eastern Italian place of birth - Trieste, gratuitous folklore and scenes from rom-coms and 1940-50s screwball comedies and classics that relate to my stories.So many film and food memories, so little time.
Create the simpler life you want by living with less. I am on a mission: To help you slow down, decide what's important and live a life of contentment, mindfulness and joy. Simple living can give you all that and more!
So have had recent realisation that me and my nearest and dearest may not be normal. Much soul searcing later, decision made will 'fly my freak flag' loud and proud. Well loudish, have not shared intention to share life in my family with internet world. But when I get to place of courage (Read: very drunk) will make full disclosure, until then welcome to my world of maddness....
A humourous blog detailing life in Northern NSW as a mother of two children. A personal blog that touches on topics the average mother of young children would like to read and based on the children book club "One Sunny Day". With guest blogs from other North Coast Mumblers and professionals, and it's lighthearted and funny tone, this is a great blog for parents and Northern Rivers residents.
A lighthearted view of parenting from a sleep deprived Melbourne mother.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champers in the other, body dirty, sunburnt, wrinkled and thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Yah Hoo, Whatta Ride!"
Coming from the perspective of a wife and working Mum of three; Real Life Stories is about promoting and celebrating our everyday and ordinary lives as already significant, as opposed to the the messages that our image laden culture wants to send us - that who we are and what we own are never enough. Real Life Stories peels away the airbrushing and editing to reveal that our lives can be messy, challenging, and enriching and they don't have to look like that they come out of a glossy magazine.This blog uses my real life stories as an example, where I contemplate "Lessons from Life", "Lessons from Children", "Hurdles and Round-abouts", and "Everyday Gifts" as categories. The first two categories are obvious, Hurdles and Roundabouts, are about my personal challenges, but I suspect that mine are common to many people also; Everyday gifts, is along the lines of a gratitude journal, celebrating the special in everyday moments, not just the big 'ta-das!' of life, encouraging me, and hopefully you, not just to live in the moment, but to enjoy the moment in-spite of our nagging 'To-do' Lists.I would love you to come and visit, and help start some discussion, about the things that really matter in our short lives.
Gabrielle Bryden is an Australian writer and poet living in a small village on the shores of Hervey Bay, Queensland. She is also an autism advocate and mother of a child with high functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome. Her blog includes poetry, stories, photography, and articles on autism spectrum disorder.
A blog about parenting and play ideas written by Kindergarten Teacher, freelance writer and mother-of-two Belinda Butler.
In December 2008, I took the plunge and moved 'back home' to the south coast of NSW with my husband and two boys in tow. Not to a glamorous farmhouse with picturesque cows and verdant pastures. Nor to a contemporary glass-and-steel sand castle beside pristine waters. Nope, I washed up in a pink 1960s fibro, slap bang in the middle of a not-city town. Here, I manage motherhood, freelance writing, my ambitions to be a novelist and the day-to-day getting on with it of life in a pink fibro.
I am fifty, female and unemployed. I started writing a blog about trying to find a local job but then discovered that everything apart from looking for a job is far more interesting.
ones voice is where you can put your thoughts into words, have your say on life and the issues that affect it. Read others ideas, comments and thoughts as well. Somewhere to voice ones thoughts.
An online magazine of articles about everything from relationships to cooking to travel. Come be apart of our world.We value your friendship.
Life just got a whole lot stickier! 2 expat Aussies, living it up in the south of France, make one very sticky, very french, very cheeky baby! Come join the chaos.
Thirty-year-old new mum blogging about my beautiful new family, life with baby, losing the 35kg I gained while pregnant, adventures in motherhood & everything in between.
In short, I joined the vlogging and blogging world shortly after my partner Michael and I chose to start trying to conceive. We fell pregnant 3 months later and I shared my symptoms, thoughts and all my excitement and purchases on my Youtube Channel.I went to my 8.5 week scan and saw a gorgeous wriggly baby so I wasn���t too concerned about our 12 week scan. We had our next scan at 14 weeks and heard the dreaded words ���I���m sorry, there is no heartbeat���. I had had a missed miscarriage where my placenta/amniotic fluid had continued to grow and had no signs that we had lost our baby until that point.I recorded a very raw video after finding out about my loss and have been trying to create awareness and help women going through a similar thing ever since via videos, blogs, emails and comments.7 cycles later and we fell pregnant again with our son Cameron. I had a beautiful pregnancy which I shared at my last blog Racheous��� Journey to Cameron.After giving birth to Cam I suffered from severe anxiety attacks and postnatal depression. It���s an ongoing process but I���m doing much better now and do not have anxiety attacks anymore. I also relactated after having to switch to formula feeding for a short period of time due to sedative medication. I shared that as well on a blog called The Relactater. Since then things have been beautiful. Truly beautiful. So I���m sharing that with you, as well as the downright difficult.���I���m a 22 year old Mumma to baby Cameron who was born New Years Eve 2009 and wife of six and a half years to Michael. We live in a lovely home in Australia. I enjoy spending time with my hubby, family and friends, helping my baby boy discover the world, creating Youtube videos, digital scrapbooking, reading, watching movies, going to mothers groups and writing.���
Living with Little People is about ���creating a family home.��� A space that goes beyond accommodating your family and actually accentuates the life you live together. A space that reflects all its occupants, both big and little.
My name is Lauren. I���m Australian by birth but grew up as an MK in West Africa (with a lot of North American influences). I currently live near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia with my growing family. We have four beautiful daughters ��� in alphabetical order!We���re concerned about peak oil and the pending global energy crisis. So after we sell our house, we are heading to a rural property in New Zealand to make the next step to a self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle.We would like our children to develop a lifelong love of learning and will keep them at home (���unschooling��� them) instead of sending them to an institution. (This can be construed as an extreme over-reaction to my twelve years of boarding school���)David and I believe that we are the church, and so we are transitioning to an unchurching lifestyle. This means that we meet together with other believers outside of the traditional Sunday morning gathering, and share the love of God with whomever he brings us into contact. It���s certainly an adventure!I blog to remember these years of my children���s lives, to add my voice to the internet murmur and to give myself something to do apart from the washing and wiping down the kitchen counters.I keep an open house. Anyone is welcome to drop by ��� anytime! This means you���ll take us as you find us ��� neat, messy, well-behaved or not. But we���re real, and this blog is too. Subscribe or browse through the archives, and you���ll see what I mean.