Ricky Browne is Australia’s answer to a question nobody asked, but probably damn well should have.
Are you ready to be lampooned? Dubbo author Ricky Browne has a penchant for satirising every section of society. Enjoy LOL! FUNNY BLOG.
Discover the literary works of Ricky Browne, the Australian satirical author and part-time philosopher. With 19 books available for free as eBooks.
I write about food, films, family and funny times growing up as an Australian-Italian child in 1960s Sydney. My tastes are catholic and my musings include recipes for unusual Italian cuisine, nostalgia about my north-eastern Italian place of birth - Trieste, gratuitous folklore and scenes from rom-coms and 1940-50s screwball comedies and classics that relate to my stories.So many film and food memories, so little time.
An honest mother's account of the struggles and triumphs that come with raising two wild little boys.
So have had recent realisation that me and my nearest and dearest may not be normal. Much soul searcing later, decision made will 'fly my freak flag' loud and proud. Well loudish, have not shared intention to share life in my family with internet world. But when I get to place of courage (Read: very drunk) will make full disclosure, until then welcome to my world of maddness....
A humourous blog detailing life in Northern NSW as a mother of two children. A personal blog that touches on topics the average mother of young children would like to read and based on the children book club "One Sunny Day". With guest blogs from other North Coast Mumblers and professionals, and it's lighthearted and funny tone, this is a great blog for parents and Northern Rivers residents.
A lighthearted view of parenting from a sleep deprived Melbourne mother.
Charni from Belly Dance Lessons Online shares her wealth of experience in all matters bellydance! Funny stories, jokes and pictures, inspirational people, general knowledge, musings and motivation are just a small part of this ever-growing blog. Charni will also write on the topics YOU suggest and gives you the opportunity to learn belly dance at home for free!
NoClothesNoShoes (NCNS) is back for 2012 because... I just can't be trusted.I survived 2010 not buying clothes and shoes, but 2011 saw me spiral into my usual uncontrolled spending habits.Things are desperate. I need to save money otherwise I won't be able to pay the school fees. so in 2012, not only will I not buy clothes and shoes, I won't buy teapots, mass produced Chinese urns or all the other stuff I insist on filling my small house with. I buy frivolous things all the time and I wonder why I'm still in the ranks of the working poor.Can I make it through another year? Will you join me? Honestly, it is a very cathartic experience. No, really it is...
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champers in the other, body dirty, sunburnt, wrinkled and thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Yah Hoo, Whatta Ride!"
The Australian scientific, cultural, political and social environment. Australia's interaction in world affairs. Current activities and happenings in Australia. Keep up to date with Australian news and current affairs! Get a view on the news. Blog also contains Funny Animal Photos.
I'm highly versed in the art of underachieving, so much so that I'd have to say that it is my greatest achievement to date. Underachievers like me have taken the easy option all our lives, settled for second best, been satisfied with the unsatisfactory.But spurred on by an overwhelming feeling of dissatisfaction lately, I have made the decision to turn things around,and achieve something really exciting before I turn fifty. I might write a book! I might run the New York Marathon! I might score a guest gig on The Circle!Could I become an overachiever? I don't know but I'm sure going to give it a half hearted attempt.Blogging my journey to self fulfillment - Cheaper than seeing a therapist.Would love you to join me, I need a bit of moral support!
A first-time mother gives a frank assessment of what it's like to be pregnant and a new mum in Canberra. Includes tips on what NOT to do or say, and how to handle two sets of everything as she tries to appease Eastern and Western philosophies on kid wrangling. While looking hawt. And happy. :o)
Diary of an Extra is true accounts of my life as a professional film and television extra. It covers stupid things I've done on set, people I've met and jobs I've had, from being one in a crowd of 300 to performing opposite the male lead of a TV series. It's a light hearted look at the industry and a great way to learn about the business!
In December 2008, I took the plunge and moved 'back home' to the south coast of NSW with my husband and two boys in tow. Not to a glamorous farmhouse with picturesque cows and verdant pastures. Nor to a contemporary glass-and-steel sand castle beside pristine waters. Nope, I washed up in a pink 1960s fibro, slap bang in the middle of a not-city town. Here, I manage motherhood, freelance writing, my ambitions to be a novelist and the day-to-day getting on with it of life in a pink fibro.
Join Michael Simms, an internationally recognized slam poet, as he blogs about his travels around the world, his life as a business man, and his pursuits as a writer. Current stop Australia!
I am fifty, female and unemployed. I started writing a blog about trying to find a local job but then discovered that everything apart from looking for a job is far more interesting.
This blog is dedicated to the oddities found in op shops, flea markets, garage sales and the like. Take a look and see for yourself. Trash, or treasure?Op shop (Australia/N.Z.) (from "opportunity shop"), is a retail establishment operated by a charitable organisation for the purpose of fundraising.
Life just got a whole lot stickier! 2 expat Aussies, living it up in the south of France, make one very sticky, very french, very cheeky baby! Come join the chaos.
I have a new goal: To become a successful work at home mum and ontrepreneur (online entrepreneur). With zero experience and expertise relevant towards achieving this goal, I am marching forward with enthusiasm regardless. I hope that by blogging my way through this journey, I will provide some insights, or at least some laughs, for others with similar aspirations.
When You're Under 30!I must admit, there was a sense of relief to the finality of the birth of Little Mango 3 (I've decided to use these somewhat cute, a little bit disrespectful, yet ultimately safe ways of describing everybody - there's also Little Mangos 1 & 2, not to mention myself and Mrs Mango).Although a somewhat shaky start - a tense moment and an overly blue baby, brought back to colour by an amazingly fast and calm obstetrician - a blur of seconds as several things happened that I had no control over. For a father, I've always found, it's a very hard thing to make a very specific connection before birth as it will always be an external relationship for us - and at the moment when all else stops and your heart is captured again by another amazing creature, to have that stripped back and replaced with heartbreaking fear is something..... It certainly makes you realise just how much this new being means to you, even though you've only just laid eyes on them - another surreal feeling - loving someone beyond words without having seen, heard, spoken to or had any real idea about before that moment. They are a blank canvas, and you appreciate them for everything they are and ever will be - I know it sounds familiar (everyone says this about their kids) - but when it happens to you, the commonality and yet complete particularity of that event to you gives you this instant sense of the universe. Amazing!So Mango 3 ties the bow nicely. We are now a family of five. At 28. Half the people we know haven't even started trying for babies yet and we're (most very likely) finished altogether. And despite the inevitable times that everyone has where they doubt their abilities, I feel altogether confident we can handle this third installment quite well. I think as long as you think about humans as a species, how our bodies are designed and how they function, that we have evolved to be ready for parenthood young. Our species is finding it more and more difficult to conceive as we age, and we struggle to stay together as family units - yet we all have the capacity to breed and raise children early, and I believe it is just another way to push yourself, and learn amazing things about our species and life first hand. The world may have changed since my parents generation, where people had babies just out of school - we've had liberation of peoples, realisation of new ideals and new understandings of the shortness of life, the inevitability of death, and the importance to not waste a second. Many of my generation believe that means seeing everything you need to see before settling down and waiting to die. I believe that experience can be found in every step of life, every drudging day of existence, every struggle you have and moment of delight, joy, wonder and amazement. Everything teaches you something and if you cannot find the value in this moment here, then no moment will be good enough. Every moment I spend teaching my child something, teaches me something in return. It's all about perspective.... but then everything is, isn't it?