My name is Lauren. I���m Australian by birth but grew up as an MK in West Africa (with a lot of North American influences). I currently live near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia with my growing family. We have four beautiful daughters ��� in alphabetical order!We���re concerned about peak oil and the pending global energy crisis. So after we sell our house, we are heading to a rural property in New Zealand to make the next step to a self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle.We would like our children to develop a lifelong love of learning and will keep them at home (���unschooling��� them) instead of sending them to an institution. (This can be construed as an extreme over-reaction to my twelve years of boarding school���)David and I believe that we are the church, and so we are transitioning to an unchurching lifestyle. This means that we meet together with other believers outside of the traditional Sunday morning gathering, and share the love of God with whomever he brings us into contact. It���s certainly an adventure!I blog to remember these years of my children���s lives, to add my voice to the internet murmur and to give myself something to do apart from the washing and wiping down the kitchen counters.I keep an open house. Anyone is welcome to drop by ��� anytime! This means you���ll take us as you find us ��� neat, messy, well-behaved or not. But we���re real, and this blog is too. Subscribe or browse through the archives, and you���ll see what I mean.