Ricky Browne is Australia’s answer to a question nobody asked, but probably damn well should have.
Are you ready to be lampooned? Dubbo author Ricky Browne has a penchant for satirising every section of society. Enjoy LOL! FUNNY BLOG.
Discover the literary works of Ricky Browne, the Australian satirical author and part-time philosopher. With 19 books available for free as eBooks.
So have had recent realisation that me and my nearest and dearest may not be normal. Much soul searcing later, decision made will 'fly my freak flag' loud and proud. Well loudish, have not shared intention to share life in my family with internet world. But when I get to place of courage (Read: very drunk) will make full disclosure, until then welcome to my world of maddness....
"Cush over Cairns" is an irreverent, skitterish satire, examining local politics, the role of the media and the community of Cairns in Far North Queensland. Follow the antics of Mayor Colonel (Retired) Ken Cush and his Council written with humour and wit in regular episodes by local writer, Terry Vance.
Maybe the best way to describe tbaoo, is by presenting some feedback: tbaoo is foolish, stupid, inane, idiotic, vacuous, asinine, pointless, senseless, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, informal, dumb, daft and just plain silly. That means we're on the right track. It's supposed to be a place for a laugh or even sometimes, a more sensible thought. Enjoy the nonsense, there's lot's of it and it will continue...
Scratching my own funny bone for shits and giggles. Lampooning books, music and being a single woman over 40. Recording observations with an almost Seinfeldian obsession for the minutiae of life. Things can get sweary around here. You understand
This blog is dedicated to the oddities found in op shops, flea markets, garage sales and the like. Take a look and see for yourself. Trash, or treasure?Op shop (Australia/N.Z.) (from "opportunity shop"), is a retail establishment operated by a charitable organisation for the purpose of fundraising.
Prepare to be embroiled in the extraordinary, from music to culture, elitism to primitivism. A year or two ago, my eyes have been critiqued as bulging out slightly whenever surprised (not unlike David Tennant���s, except his is executed with flair and with women and men salivating opposite the silver screen). As an ardent subscriber to throes of self consciousness, my eyes began to adopt a nonchalant, indifferent existence; lighting up the dullness within necessitates a dash of horror, dollops of public embarrassment or the mischievous imaginary reprisals against the suppressive and undeserving social forces today.You, dear readers, may well find those popping-eye lights in this blog ���Tottering in the Zephyrs of Escapism���.
A collection of Absurd stuff that no one wants. With my mobile phone camera in hand I hit the op shops to take photos of stuff that no one will buy. Here is a photo journal of those finds.Yes some stuff on this site is ridiculous, odd, and even a little embarrassing ��� That���s the beauty of it. The reason these items are in Op-Shops is that someone originally owned it. That���s what this site is about.
A blog about a housewife searching for her identity one adventure at a time. From fake tan fiascoes to yoga disasters; from learning to ride a motorcycle to busking at a graveyard, this housewife means business. Groundhog Day is officially over!
You know those moments when you have something to say but for some reason or another you just can't say it aloud?Those moments where it may be socially unacceptable or politcally incorrect to voice those opinions so that all can hear it. (Even though you know others may be thinking the exact same thing!)
Topical Cartoon is a blogspot which comments on news events as they happen in Australia, or overseas. The cartoons are drawn by Al Benge - a Queensland based cartoonist.
An occassional diary about life, and the funny side to it. Living and sharing the concept of when life is being harsh or boring, offering a large rasberry straight back as a great option.
Tasty grey matter. Honest.
Status quo ante is Latin for the way things were before so it seems a fitting name for a blog that catalogues the history of my favourite personal (i.e. original) Facebook status updates.Each one comes with clarifications, background notes, further anecdotes and/or unrelated musings as required.