In short, I joined the vlogging and blogging world shortly after my partner Michael and I chose to start trying to conceive. We fell pregnant 3 months later and I shared my symptoms, thoughts and all my excitement and purchases on my Youtube Channel.I went to my 8.5 week scan and saw a gorgeous wriggly baby so I wasn���t too concerned about our 12 week scan. We had our next scan at 14 weeks and heard the dreaded words ���I���m sorry, there is no heartbeat���. I had had a missed miscarriage where my placenta/amniotic fluid had continued to grow and had no signs that we had lost our baby until that point.I recorded a very raw video after finding out about my loss and have been trying to create awareness and help women going through a similar thing ever since via videos, blogs, emails and comments.7 cycles later and we fell pregnant again with our son Cameron. I had a beautiful pregnancy which I shared at my last blog Racheous��� Journey to Cameron.After giving birth to Cam I suffered from severe anxiety attacks and postnatal depression. It���s an ongoing process but I���m doing much better now and do not have anxiety attacks anymore. I also relactated after having to switch to formula feeding for a short period of time due to sedative medication. I shared that as well on a blog called The Relactater. Since then things have been beautiful. Truly beautiful. So I���m sharing that with you, as well as the downright difficult.���I���m a 22 year old Mumma to baby Cameron who was born New Years Eve 2009 and wife of six and a half years to Michael. We live in a lovely home in Australia. I enjoy spending time with my hubby, family and friends, helping my baby boy discover the world, creating Youtube videos, digital scrapbooking, reading, watching movies, going to mothers groups and writing.���
Blog about the musing of an entrepreneur mum (mumpreneur). Follow in the adventure, trials and tribulations as I try to balance business, a husband and 2 children. I hope to also cover issues that are important to me including* Work at Home Mums - Employment and Mumpreneurs* Study at Home Mums* Campaigns and Issues affecting at Home Mums including Paid Maternity and Paid Parental leave* Activities for Kids* Childcare* Autism Awareness
Queen of the Hand Fart since 1979. Personal blog of Leany J, a super mum of two, freelance Graphic Designer from Brisbane.
KV Writes is a record of my journey as a stay at home mum writing her first novel. The novel is historical fiction set in 15th Century Renaissance Italy. My blog includes links for aspiring writers, stay at home mums interested in literary pursuits, and anyone who is interested in history and historical fiction.