I am fifty, female and unemployed. I started writing a blog about trying to find a local job but then discovered that everything apart from looking for a job is far more interesting.
As far as what this is about - your guess is as good as mine.I guess it's about me, and what I think is interesting. Whether that's drawn from the news, my own life, my friends, or my work.
Connect Aus goal is to enable students to pursue their dreams of seeing the world and improving their education experience in Australia. We want to help students in every way imaginable to make them successful in their international education endeavors. So live the dream, and come celebrate as we start our first year stronger and better!As international education continues to boom especially in Australia, we are committed to offer the best resources, information, services, and products for international students in Australia. On this site, you will find information on international student Accommodation, Part time jobs information, Visa information, international calling cards, travel and other useful information to help get students prepared for their time abroad. All of our publications and online resources are made available free of charge and we intend to keep it that way.Connect Aus simple mission: to produce guides and websites that make it easy for people to find the right school, college or university to pursue educational opportunities for themselves or their families. We believe in the fundamental importance of education as a way to expand opportunities and help people grow as human beings. We want to be the best in the world at helping people find the course that is right for them, whatever stage they are in life.
She is worth far more than rubies. What a description to live up to! And yet this is what the business woman and work at home mum is worth to her family. Women today crave to return home to care for their families and use their skills to contribute to the household income and yet so many feel it eludes them.
A blog about me, my family, my life. Just me rabbitting on about, well, stuff!
About life in Marrickville, an inner city suburb of Sydney, written by a cultural studies scholar.
The ravings of an insane twenty-something male with too much time on his hands
Canberra based blogger, includes technology and personal entries.
About the Virtual Assistant industry for VAs and for clients
Working mothers to six kids, wives to the Prof and the Chef, hag-ridden harpies to the rest. We blog together to combat the evil rage that spilled out when we blogged alone.
Freelancer chewing through marble and granite walls who then starts licking the brain splatter pastiches of comicbook, TV and theatre experiences.
Known to a close friend as Jellyhead but can be intelligent at times. Have dog, husband, 2 kids and a picket fence (really do have a picket fence, but it is kind of dirty yellow rather than white) and despite the cliche of this situation, I do really love my imperfect life. I work as a GP which can be wonderful and can be awful - like most jobs I guess. Would love to be a writer but lack the skill... blog will have to suffice
A Uni student blogging from Sydney, Australia
The greatest blog you will ever come across, EVER!
Personal blog
jen's blog