Travel and soooothe our soul !
A great day out for this stunning region of the Gers here in South West France-Medieval histrory and a chance to understand the local psyche of the 'Gersoise' people.Altogether fascinating and great fun too, not to mention the most unusualmeal of a medieval nature with unusual ingredients.
A taste of France from around the world, virtually...Find restaurants, shops, wine and wine shops that supply French inspired food, wine, objects, in France, Australia, New Zealand and USA primarily.Get travel tips, information on architectural landmarks and more
Life just got a whole lot stickier! 2 expat Aussies, living it up in the south of France, make one very sticky, very french, very cheeky baby! Come join the chaos.
Sydney born photographer Gerry Joe Weise, has travelled the World to find the right photo. He has notably exhibited at many important European exhibitions. His recent works are based on Nature and Abstraction.
The unofficial, artificial blog for Rugby World Cup 2007
I moved to France from Australia in August 2005 with my Albanian husband. Here are my thoughts and experiences about settling into French life.