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Directory Tag: books

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My name is Amelia and I live in Melbourne, Australia. As a child, I had very chubby cheeks.

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i dont quite know

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Strange fragments of a life unearthed regularly with a generous side helping of urban clutter,land gazing and varying levels of curiosity.

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Reading, viewing, teaching, parenting, cooking, eating, listening, decorating etc

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Mother to three, wife to one, hag-ridden gorgon to many. I work full-time and cope part-time and cook, drink, knit and swear in between. Games of Root Shoot Marry are hosted on my blog every Friday night that I don't start drinking too early.

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The reading, writing, teaching, listening, watching,random thoughts of a 40 something regional Victorian mother.

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Bookaholic trying to get through a mass of books, and doing the occasional book review.

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Australian author of historicl, modern and short stories set in England and Australia.

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Crime fiction, all the up-to-date news about new book releases, book launches, events, awards and a few of my own personal thoughts.

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The adventures of an Adelaide girl in Norway and England, as she writes a phd on Australian medievalism, looks out the window and explores the world.

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all the crafty stuff I get up too, books I read and all the mistakes I make along the way.

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The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.

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Bored public servant with too much spare time and too little patience for the stupidity of others

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We are a young family of four living in WA away from all our family, come join us as we battle through the tests of parenting, living away from your loved ones, exploring new places, share the love for our children & have a laugh

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a Blog which explores niche topics others ignore

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20-something melbourne bibliophile

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In which the random, trashy, pop-cultural musings of Mel are displayed in all their superficial glory.