Much of what I will write here will be about living in Tropical North Queensland as a thirty-something year old woman, mother, sister, aunty, friend and evolving spirit grappling with existence in this life I have chosen. I look forward to sharing the lucid dreamscapes that inhabit my nocturnal consciousness, reflections that arise from contemplative afternoons spent on my ever-sunny balcony, the passions that may unexpectedly rise from the depths within me, and the lows that sometimes grab me from around dark corners.
The eclectic blog of one Miss Justine from Melbourne, Australia
There is no rhyme nor reason to topics posted. Don't fence me in, man!
The adventures of an Adelaide girl in Norway and England, as she writes a phd on Australian medievalism, looks out the window and explores the world.
Ranting. Cynicism. Bitching... but also quite a bit of stuff about living in Perth, drum n bass, my life, my friends, travel, education, and so on and so forth, etc etc.
From a LAN Downunder
my vague and esoteric ramblings
online journal, blog, ventspace. whatever. not be cause i want, but because i need.
Cardboardy is tasteless, chewy, dry. Contains stuff. Might be funny.