A comedy based review blog, talking about movies, TV, comics and games throughout the ages. Also featured occasionally are soap box articles giving views on current trends and events.
Mummy of 3 gorgeous girls: Eloise - 5 and Laura and Olivia - 3.5 (Yes I do have my hands full!) and one gorgeous husband (he helps empty them) living our patch of country in the "big-smoke" Sydney.Shares recipes, pop-culture tid-bids and views and experiences on parenting.
Catherine White Creates Worth for her clients by helping others connect and promote their goods and services on and off line.Catherine's PR background of over thirty years includes working in government, the not for profit and corporate sectors.
Pointless excellence in blogging since earlier this year
A collection of thoughts about advertising. What works What doesnt. And why.
Everything and anything on movies and entertainment.
craft film tv knitting sewing op-shops
general viciousness, gay culture, poor taste ,good taste,pop culture,fashion or lack thereof, music, Sydney, gossip, black|twisted|dark humour and conjecture on anything that takes my fancy frankly......
Born and raised in a coal shed in the North of England, my earliest memories are of playing with the family whippet (my only friend!) and eating nowt but gravel.'Twas a hard life but we was happy. In June 2005, lured by the promise of lemon trees, parrots and a thing called
Reviews shows that air on Australian TV such as Thank God Youre Here, Australias Biggest Loser, The Amazing Race, Big Brother and Neighbours. Also home of the famous parody, Big Blogger.
The Entertainment Fiend. A blog where TV, Film, Gaming, Books, Music and Podcasts grace the pages.
Reviews of flash animations, web toons, hand-drawn, 2-D, 3-D and claymation from film, dvd, cable, TV and the web.
Life in the fast aisle - ravings and whingeing from a 25 year old Adelaide girl who spends way too much surfing the internet and watching TV (not to mention the supermarket)
Trawling the airwaves to spare you the agony!
A quirky look at how technology is changing our lives, work, and the rules for everyday behaviour.