Think:a dish of Mary Poppins;a dose of Pollyanna;a dash of Willy Wonka.I'm Kelly from Be A Fun Mum.I'm mother to four children and I love writing about parenting and creating exciting activities.I seek to encourage mothers to:"Love the Moment"
An absolutely mediocre weblog about life, pop culture, Christianity, Snuggies, and other absurd things you shouldn't say out loud but are thankful someone else did.
Awesome Ideas for your Awesomazing world
A collection of Absurd stuff that no one wants. With my mobile phone camera in hand I hit the op shops to take photos of stuff that no one will buy. Here is a photo journal of those finds.Yes some stuff on this site is ridiculous, odd, and even a little embarrassing ��� That���s the beauty of it. The reason these items are in Op-Shops is that someone originally owned it. That���s what this site is about.
If you feel like computers are changing a bit too fast around you, this is where you will find the answers to your IT questions. We provide a constant supply of handy tips and tricks and provide links to sites with some great tools that you can use to make your everyday life easier, whether at work or at home. Remember, the IT experts at B Technologies are here to help!
Global commentary on Australian ideas, innovation and change from a world perspective
A blog. By a mum. Who thinks. About everything. Always.
Australian design , objects, design, ideas and quite often - museums