Maybe the best way to describe tbaoo, is by presenting some feedback: tbaoo is foolish, stupid, inane, idiotic, vacuous, asinine, pointless, senseless, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, informal, dumb, daft and just plain silly. That means we're on the right track. It's supposed to be a place for a laugh or even sometimes, a more sensible thought. Enjoy the nonsense, there's lot's of it and it will continue...
satire black comedy funny hysterical stupid silly sydney australia australianblog atomicdynamyte dynamite samgranleese funny awesome dudeman cool
A funny picture blog up-dated daily with a slightly off-beat humour
It's about an Aussie living in Singapore trying to come to grips with the absurdities of life in a hot, sweaty and controlled world that dishes out rules and cucumbers unnecessarily and all to frequently.