A forum for ideas, strategy and policy for the ALP Left and sympathetic fellow-travellers. From an ALP Left veteran activist of over 20 years. Join in the discussion or even submit your own material for consideration. The publisher (Tristan Ewins) can be contacted via Facebook.
Words are primitive - they cannot begin to describe the person I call me, but I'll try....Politics. Economics. Environment. Social Justice. Activism. Fashion. Human Rights. Any of these themes come up and I will throw my hat in to the discussion.I am an adrenalin-junkie with a fascination for extreme sports but I also enjoy the simple pleasures that life has to offer.I see the glass-half-full and have time for a lot of people but I also have a low tolerance for ignorance and apathy.I am the luckiest woman to have found not only the love of my life but the man I am destined to grow old with. I have the most amazing, supportive, fun-loving and caring group of close friends and family who absolutely keep me grounded and remind me of where I've come from and just how much I've been blessed with.
Look,humans are complicated beings I comment on everything,being a vegetarian who manages a pub,teaches kickboxing/MMA,Im your complicated social being!
The agenda for a global government, the truth behind the lies in the mainstream media, the depopulation agenda, the carbon tax scam, humans do not cause global warming, mankind does not cause global warming, bilderberg, trilateral commission, CFR, Obama, Sustainable Development, Water, Fluoridation, fluoride, Vaccines, poisons in vaccines, dumbing down, predictive programming, NLP, debasing humanity, Illuminati agenda, Banksters, Engineered financial collapse
Left Focus is a progressive Australian blog of the 'broad left'. We welcome contributions with Green, socialist, social-democratic, left liberal, and libertarian left perspectives. Supportive and critical commentary are also welcome. (but no trolling) Please feel welcome to discuss the posts, or submit your own posts for consideration by the Moderator.
Confessions of a Perth PsychoCat is designed to give an alternative take on everything happening in Perth. Whether it be politics, social issues, art or culture, Perth PsychoCat presents to you an alternative view that is rarely, if ever, seen in Western Australia's increasingly notorious one-sided media.Perth PsychoCat calls it how they see it and pulls no punches. If you want a raw, honest view of what Perth is really like, then look no further.
International relations and security studies from an Australian perspective.
We live in Canberra, somebody has to
Personal and political from a husband, father and owner of 2 cats.