Ultimate Edge Communications Founder and CEO, Aleisha McCall, has been nominated for the B&T Women in Media Awards People’s Choice 2020. This prestigious award recognises exceptional…
Sydney-based agency, Ultimate Edge Communications is offering a $100K Business Revival Kit including $50,000 of free advertising to help businesses kick start their sales during…
Want to win a RedBalloon gift certificate? Check out the campaign on KISS 1065’s Kyle and Jackie O show. Click on the link to listen…
According to recent statistics compiled by competitions.com.au, 79% of Australians use the internet on a daily basis. They’re using the internet for communication, recreation, and…
The Exponential event of the year is coming to Brisbane this weekend… Saturday 5 June. Don’t miss it. Click on the hyperlink to book your…
I recently blogged about Brisbane’s Paddington Pups who went from 0 sales to sold out in 3 weeks… Today’s post takes it one step further.…
The social media revolution is here stronger than ever – you need to watch this YouTube video to grasp how the world is changing at…
Attention all Australian Women Business Women and Men who know outstanding women worthy of nomination… The 2009 Telstra Business Woman Of The Year Awards are…
Check out the blog post I just published on my Internet Mastery Blog called “Make $100/Hour Cash Flipping Websites For Profit“. It has all the…