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Directory Tag: culture

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Defamer Australia is a pop and celebrity culture focused blog that enthusiastically dissects the goings on of the Aussie showbiz scene while also commenting on the global entertainment industry from an Australian perspective.

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The home of The Wandering Gourmet Club. The Wandering Gourmet is an international club based in Perth, Western Australia, interested in food, culture, travel and making new friends and strengthening existing relationships with each other.

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Australian values explained. Get those beaut Australian Values and become a fair dinkum Aussie mate. More than you ever thought you could be told (under Part5.3 and Section 72 of the Criminal Code).

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Politics and music as seen and heard from the southwest suburbs of Sydney

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thinking + motherhood = feminist

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Critical notes on human behavior inspired by current affairs and one human's encounters with the world.

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personal observations on the political, social and scientific happenings within Australian society and Internationally

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Street style and smart talk by a Melbourne-based cultural researcher and journalist.

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In which the random, trashy, pop-cultural musings of Mel are displayed in all their superficial glory.

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general viciousness, gay culture, poor taste ,good taste,pop culture,fashion or lack thereof, music, Sydney, gossip, black|twisted|dark humour and conjecture on anything that takes my fancy frankly......

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Musings of a privatised citizen

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A blog by a bemused outsider looking in on Australian culture.

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I'm an independent researcher/developer living in Perth, Western Australia.

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An American's funny observations about Oz. Entertaining and informative!

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Airminded is the research blog of Brett Holman, a PhD student in the Department of History, University of Melbourne, Australia, covering the broad area of aviation and British society in the years 1908-1941. But sometimes other things too.

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Opinionating over the cultural landscape

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The Cultural Exchange Blog.

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We are caring about the environment and sustainability everywhere.

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A less than salubrious collection of thoughts from a man best described as less than salubrious.