An evolving perspective on management consulting, business strategy and investing.
John Barrdear
Club Troppo
heterodox musings from a whiggish perspective
personal observations on the political, social and scientific happenings within Australian society and Internationally
Blogging on a hopelessly broad range of issues
An Australian ex-pat in London trying to make sense of the place. He also talks about economics, international development and business.
This is the web diary of Andrew Bartlett, a Democrat Senator from Queensland and member of the Australian Parliament since 1997. It aims to make the political process more open and accessible, and provide some insights into the views and life of a federal politician. It also encourages feedback and discussion from readers.
heterodox musings from a whiggish perspective
Ecology | Economics |......| Both the words ecology and economics come from the Greek word oikos, meaning
A view of the South East Asian Region including Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and parts beyond all from the comfort of the GreenStump. Politics, Religion, Economy, Stories tall and true.