Julian Cole treks through the flow of news at the cusp of technology and advertising to find the information to keep you up to date with the future of the industry.
keeping note of interesting stuff I find
An online journal where I share my experiences with m-learning (mobile learning), Web 2.0 and e-learning. Main focus is on how these technologies can be used in vocational education and training.
1001 fun things to do Online
There are few real innovators in the internet - Wayne Mansfield is one. As a pioneer of internet marketing, he is now setting new standards in blog publishing and passive income creativity
The occasionally bizarre, sometimes political, and often crazy rantings of a West Australian university student, Mac user, and open-source geek.
Paul Reid: I'm a teacher in Western Australia integrating ICTs across the curriculum. The purpose of Digital Chalkie is to provide a hub for Australian educators using ICT to engage and facilitate the best educational outcomes for their students. The domain name uses the word
Software architect from Microsoft blogging about her architecture experience and work at the enterprise level, plus few bits of other thoughts on Web 2.0, innovative software and technology, and bits of social issues of personal importance.
Digital Chalkie is a hub for Australian educators using Information Communication Technologies in their teaching. 'Chalkie
Enter the Tatrix
Random ramblings from a University Library systems manager, about work and pleasure in Adelaide.
A blog about business, marketing, code, software and Web 2.0.
Librarian blogging about thoughts and discoveries in her public library in Victoria.
A renamed blog by Genevieve Tucker, turning slowly into a reblog of chunks of media, webtech, library and researcher's news. (Let's face it, the old name was 'orrible.) Library Sputnik contains a list of Australian writing links which can also be found at You Cried for Night (see right, under writing.)
fuzzy directions - the blog of AustralianBlogs.com.au
Shane's Place is Shane Williamson's Blog on murmurings from Australia on personal & 3G mobile & wireless interests. Also discusses interesting aspects of Web 2.0 that have interactions with the mobile world.
information architecture, interface design, user experience and 2.0