An Australian blog about libraries, research and scholarship.
Keeping library staff up to date with new and emerging technologies.
Libraries, Librarianship, Library marketing and Library News
Bond University Library - news, events, tips
Random ramblings from a University Library systems manager, about work and pleasure in Adelaide.
Keeping librarians up to date
finding information, being a librarian, plus the occasional software review and political post by a blogger living in the Blue Mountains
A renamed blog by Genevieve Tucker, turning slowly into a reblog of chunks of media, webtech, library and researcher's news. (Let's face it, the old name was 'orrible.) Library Sputnik contains a list of Australian writing links which can also be found at You Cried for Night (see right, under writing.)
Discover events, new books, cds, dvds and publishing news at this suburban Melbourne public library blog.