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Directory Tag: motherhood

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It's food, it's kids, it's the ocassional appearance of the black dog, it's life in the domestic oblivion land of trying to balance family, work and self.

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mother of four boys writes about the joys of being a less-than-perfect parent, books, writing and the sometimes excruciating journey to publication....

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Crafting, especially knitting & sewing, drawing, making softies & dolls, parenting, organic gardening, sustainability & generally making stuff from scratch.

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I am raising my three children in Adelaide after living overseas for nine years.

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thinking + motherhood = feminist

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thinking + motherhood = feminist

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A blog on everyday motherhood experiences. I'm in the process of gathering stories from mothers about their life as a mother, i.e., what's life like for them, housework, sex and relationship with spouse after children, impact of having a child, etc.

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My simple life is full of screen technologies. So I like to indulge in old skool pursuits - sewing, printmaking, cooking, growing, as an anti-dote to the pixels.

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finding the personal in the political and the political dimension in personal life - a lesbian mother in Sydney

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