is one of the largest and most trusted blogging and WordPress resources on the internet. Discover how to start a blog within just a few minutes time, while also learning how to make money and start an online brand and business in the process.
Denyse Whelan. Blogger. Educator.Consultant.Blogger: Every day is a blog post. Some link to blogs as part of Digital Parents Australia. More relate to Denyse Whelan���s experience & expertise as teacher of children aged between 5 and 12, aPrimary School Principal. N.S.W. Schools and English as a Second Language Teacher (adults & children).Educator: Using her extensive qualifications, personable manner and a practical approach, Denyse blogs and shares views to allow great communication between home and school. She does regular guest posts on blogs. She writes both to share and connect.Consultant:Denyse offers education & advocacy consultancy services through this website to parents, caregivers, grandparents, student teachers, school teachers to assist with��� issues parents/caregivers may be having with a child���s school or teacher��� finding solutions to any matters relating to education in primary schools��� writing letters, and /or drafting letters to schools and/or education authorities��� advising on matters relating to education which are within her field of expertise and knowledge��� preparation for a parent/caregiver/grandparent to attend any meetings with school personnel whereobjective and caring support is required.Find Denyse Whelan. Blogger. Educator. Consultant. her on Twitter: @denwise1.
Photography by Christopher Prins.Images include: Sunsets, Landscapes, Animals, Insects, Flora and more.
Watch this space for excellent blogging tips to give your blogs internet visibility, effectiveness as a marketing tool and to bring you 'how to' tips about blogging. We will also be presenting some examples of great blogs, from which to glean fresh ideas for your business.
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