Voted "Best Australian Blog not owned by Rupert Murdoch" in the recent International Weblog Awards, and being archived by the Australian National Library as a blog with "lasting cultural value" and of "national significance".The description says it all - "Intermittent postings from Canberra, Australia on Software Development, Space, Politics, and Interesting URLs.And of course, Brains..."Well, almost all. The author is a Rocket Scientist with a really rare medical condition. When the blog was started in 2003, he was Alan - now she's Zoe, an A to Z transformation. All blogged as it happened, so the archives are interesting too.From a review:"This blog, written by a rocket scientist, is a fascinating collection of information, both personal and scientific, regarding intersex, transsexualism and related psychosocial and psychosexual issues....It is erudite and heartfelt. Just read the posts about the passport issue. You won't know whether to laugh, weep or crawl into a ball and rock gently in a corner - an amazing person."