Blazenka Brysha is a Melbourne-based writer, freelance arts journalist and dance critic, who has been writing professionally since 1980.Her principal interest is in documentation, through critical engagement, of the world she inhabits and she uses this approach in writing both fiction and non-fiction. In recent years, she has been working from the perspective that all writing is essentially autobiographical, a concept that she will continue to explore through various publishing mediums.
Pretension is a Brisbane based electronic music producer who is determined to make his mark on the Australian dance music scene. This blog explores how he uses various production techniques in his current and future releases. It covers the use of Ableton Live, 3rd party plugins, creative mixing techniques and the exciting world of home studio DIY. Pretension loves learning new tricks so he understands the benefits of an interactive tutorial. During the tutorials, you can play the tracks that use the techniques, hear the difference and learn how to apply it to your own tunes. Updated weekly. RSS feed.
A blog providing a complete guide to the happenings and events of Perth Australia. Get amongst it.
Mostly about my music photography in Sydney
Your daily stop for all things Hip Hop - with a focus on the Australian scene.
Sciolism: a superficial show of learning. A superficial show of what I've learned through experience and study. Featuring thoughtful discussion and random rants related to music, games, and more...
tokyo jam packed - one part aussie one part japanese - adventures of an aussie in her tokyo pod with her sweet japanese pea