Important environmental, social and political headlines from around the world summarised for you to save you time.Every day we track down for you insightful and useful stories related to the environment, big business, globalisation, ethics, peak oil, climate change, the global financial crisis, pandemics, health & nutrition, community-building, inspirational individuals, organic & natural farming, backyard gardening and the looming challenges - and inspirational solutions - that will affect our friends, families, future generations and those in far off lands. This blog will help you stay on top of the news that matters, and give you the information and ideas you need to be prepared and make a difference. Our family ferrets out these articles because we want to be informed rather than ignorant, inspired rather than defeated. And, because we find it���s a whole lot of fun to know what���s going on, so we can decide what we can do about it!
I am a student in my final year of high school. This blog will document my major work for the year, the ���Article Thirty-Nine Concert���.
Just like most other orphanages, the HOPE Orphanage in Timor-Leste has no major wealthy benfactor, or other magical source of continuous funding. All donations are tax deductible, and will help these kids do amazing things with their lives.