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Post your Blog on Your Linked In Profile

If you aren’t on by now, you’re already behind the 8-ball.

You can link in to my network by clicking here >>> Marc Dussault <<<

It takes less than 2 minutes and you’ll have more than 1 MILLION CONNECTIONS INSTANTLY.

Once you’re on Linked In, you’ll want to make sure you fill in your profile as much as possible, focusing on keyword rich descriptions so that your name, product and/or service comes up in natural search engine results.

That means FREE traffic to you, especially Long Tail Niche Traffic!

It gets better – go to the Linked In home page, at the bottom of the left-hand side column, you’ll see a gear with the tag ‘applications’ click it and you’ll see the Blog Link Application.

“With Blog Link, you can get the most of your LinkedIn relationships by connecting your blog to your LinkedIn profile. Blog Link helps you, and your professional network, stay connected.”

How Blog Link Works:

Blog Link Powered by TypePad is simple. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Make sure your blog is listed on your “Websites” on your Profile.
  2. Add the Blog Link application to your LinkedIn Profile.
  3. That’s it – Blog Link will now add your sites to your profile.
  4. To find news and ideas from trusted people in your network, go to the “Your
  5. Network” tab. Blog Link will automatically find all of the blogs in your network and update them in the
  6. “Your Network” tab. If you do not see the blog of one of your connections, just ask them to add it to their “Websites” list on their LinkedIn profile and Blog Link will find it for you.

The best part is that it’s free – people who view your profile, will see your most recent blog posts.

In my case, at the time I published this post, I was getting an average of 7 views/day which is +/-2,500 people per year who are viewing my profile and/or finding ‘me’ in natural searches automatically.

As you know from my 1 percent improvement video, it all adds up and makes a difference – OFTEN a BIG difference.

The best part about this add-on with Linked In is that it promotes your completed profile to 110% completion, which means it gets a higher search engine (Google) ranking.

So now that you know, “please Dussault!”

Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault

Australia’s #1 Exponential Growth Strategist


If you would like to share tips and techniques like this with others, please post a comment on this blog and I will create a blog post around it giving you the exposure and backlink that as a blogger you know is ‘priceless’ especially with a high ranking blog like this one!


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