The Ten More Girls collective is an internationally faceted group of female artists whobelieve that they can make the world go round by creating beautiful & unique jewellery &objects.wearable art. The collective consists of ten female designers and makers who met whilestudying at the Design Centre Enmore and who are committed to exhibiting every year topromote and nurture the medium in their local community and beyond.Having steadily built a buzz around their work in their previous shows, Girls for Boys 2008and Girls Against Gold 2009, the girls continue to explore contemporary themes and areexhibiting Girls Around the World at the recently relocated Gaffa Gallery in itsstunning new home, a heritage listed 3 story building on 281 Clarence Street in the CBD.This years��� theme Girls Around the World reflects the group���s interest in diversecultures, their love of travel and issues such as globalization, international politics, theenvironment & human rights. Their stories, expressed through wearable artworks will befabricated from contemporary and traditional materials and promise to challengeperceptions and capture the imagination.The exhibition���s opening night is Thursday the 9th September at Gaffa Galleryfrom 6-8pm and will be open daily until the 21st of September.An added bonus for gallery visitors will be a Meet the Maker event to be held on Saturday18th of September from 2pm.The Ten More Girls collective consists of the following participants:Majella Beck, Jenny Daskalakis, Andrea Iglesias, Nikki Majajas,Natasha Marcus-Taylo,r Jasmine Matus, A Mi Kim, Radka Passianova,Bernadette Trainor, Janis Valdivia
Australian design , objects, design, ideas and quite often - museums