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Cool Websites: and

I remember when I first moved to Australia and needed to call back ‘home’ how tedious it was to figure out timezones… Now the situation is reversed, Sydney is home with friends and clients all over the world, but the time zone challenge remains – Here is a GREAT website that INSTANTLY solves the challenge!

Need to know INSTANTLY the time somewhere else in the world? Well, just go to, click on any area of the world voila! you get the local time right now

It’s also handy for figuring out that pesky “Greenwich Mean Time” you keep seeing on Bloomberg, BBC and CNN  but have no clue how it relates to your particular time zone. is ideal when you need to know the time it’s going to be IN THE FUTURE for your colleagues and friends overseas. It helps make sure that your conference calls and webinars can be attended by people at ‘reasonable times.

If you have other helpful and cool sites like these – please share them with me and I’ll make sure you get FULL CREDIT!

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