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Australian Manufacturing Reboot

If you thought Australian Manufacturing was down and out – think again… Successful Endeavours in Melbourne is bucking the trend for a good reason, they are antimimeticisomorphic about their business approach to electronic design and manufacturing!

Click on the image to read on…

Australian Manufacturing
Click on the image to read the 2-page article on Australian Manufacturing


1 Comment

  1. Ray Keefe

    Australian Manufacturing certainly has some challenges at the moment, but there are also many success stories. A lot of people don’t know this, but there is an emerging category knows as the Internet of Things, or IoT, which is projects to exceed all smart phone, tablet, laptop and desktop computing devices in 2016!

    Manufacturers getting on board with smart offerings in this high technology space will find themselves doing well. If you want to check out the numbers, look at The Internet Of Things drives economic growth.

    And this is just one area. Food manufacturing is also growing and the entire sector increased in turnover last economic quarter.

    Ray Keefe
    Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd
    Designing electronics products that are intended to be Made In Australia
    2015 Casey Cardinia + NMW + PACE + iAwards x 14
    2013 Winner – MSE Small Business Award
    2010 Winner – Casey Business of the Year
    Award Winning Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development

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