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Government Eavesdropping – responses

I recently emailed and posted a link to a petition to stop the government from eavesdropping on all our emails and phone calls and it got a lot of responses – some of them noted below – add your comments below and let’s keep the dialogue open!


Glad to see you are using your rule of “No Politics” as a guideline not a panacea.  I know this is a rare exception for you and that is good.  I think you have chosen well in having the balls to put your business behind this.  It shows strength, leadership and care on a topic we can all back.  I was not sure that you were willing to take that risk.  I have more TRUST and respect that you have the backbone to make that stand now that I see this about you.

History proves without taking action to use appropriate negative feedback loops and without sufficient accountabilities recognised authorities eventually fail to have a conscience and fail to serve, which is “How Civilisations Fail”, as proven time and again historically (refer to Jarad Diamond’s book “How Civilisations Fail”).

Andrew B.



Thank you, Marc. Glad you have a social conscience.

Of course, it is our own fault. We have tolerated our governments covert dealings for years and perversely justify our unknowing as integral to our interests.

Terrorism spells fear for a weak politician. It is the Shadow – small as this seems now – that arises and engulfs when we abrogate responsibility.

One day when Sunshine comes – when governments disband their CIA’s – we will know what we are all up to and earning, have friends with, and we will wonder what the fuss was about.

Kind Regards,

Nicholas B-Y



I am impressed with much of your work, but I’m disappointed at what appears to be naivety, or self-interest with respect to this issue.

You are a clever man, how would you track down these extreme Islamist terrorists people before they strike?

Were you aware that Australia is the most potent source of home grown extreme  Islamist terrorists in the Western world?

Our intelligence agencies have averted a number of attacks on significant targets which could have cost hundreds and thousands of lives. The people who get seduced into extremist Islamist terrorism are home grown Australians. They live here amongst us, using our internet to connect and share extreme views, recruit others, and plot terrorist attacks to kill their fellow Australians. If we allow their numbers to grow amongst us we could one day become the next Iraq where the ISIL mass murdering hundreds and thousands of non-believers to take over lands and create a Islamist Caliphate.

What would you suggest is the most effective way to find these people before lives are lost?

You talk about loosing our privacy, but what does that mean? Why should we be concerned if a law enforcement agency maintains records of online activities? How is this going to affect me?  I’m a law abiding citizen. The bigger online threats we should be concerned about are those threats from online fraud, distributed access denial attacks, etc.

I agree that the cost and logistics of government’s proposed approach needs to be thought through, but in the absence of a better way to track down extremists, I think it’s the right thing to do.

Correct me if I’m wrong but surely the only people to fear their data being stored are those who have something to hide from authorities.

So, what is your reason for running this campaign to stop the legislation? Did not know that Australia is such a potent source of extreme views, or do you have a better way to find them, or is there something you have to hide from the Authorities?  If you have a better way, why not share it with us?

Kind Regards,

Malcolm L.


Hi Marc to fix the problem we have with this internet reading is that there are 15 million people online in australia so all we have to do is for 3 months just talk about guns bomb making killing etc etc and try downloading rubbish like this and that will give the Federal police ASIO etc enough work to last them like 12yrs of flat out understaffed work and it will just go in the too hard basket reverse psychology

John G.


The statements below are incorrect. Reading emails etc without a warrant is not what is proposed.

John L.

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